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March 25: Byron Ballard

Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Tuesday Aug 23, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Educator Bece Kidder.
Bece Kidder (pronounced BC) is a certified Level 2 Franklin Method Educator and a certified yoga teacher with over 500 hours of yoga teacher training, including two aerial yoga teacher certifications. Bece has been teaching yoga for more than 10 years, and has spent her 48 years on this earth enjoying all the many ways humans can move their bodies through life. Bece has taught yoga at several yoga studios in Portland, Oregon. Since the early days of COVID, she transitioned and now provides a safe, student-focused virtual yoga/movement studio via Zoom using the Franklin Method for embodying movement and enhancing performance, focusing on yoga, and improving the everyday bodily functions so key to our survival. Her classes are accessible for all body types, ages and genders.

Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Carolyn B. Coleridge, LCSW
Carolyn is a licensed psychotherapist, who is a Spiritual life coach, an Intuitive and healer with 25 years of experience. Carolyn has appeared on CNN International demonstrating energy healing and also appeared on Chrisely knows Best. Carolyn was a former faculty member of the Pediatric Pain Program @ UCLA, a Complementary Alternative Medicine program, where she was a Reiki Master.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
Usnea tincture 'overdosing' Infection in the mouth Vitamin D

Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Tuesday Aug 09, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with psychic Vincent Genna
A truly authentic and gifted psychic medium with the knowledge and experience of a psychotherapist and the big, charming personality of a showman, Vincent Genna combines his extraordinary psychic abilities, academic credentials, and genuine all-loving approach to provide healing for body, mind, and spirit. As a psychic therapist, Vincent uses his more than 39 years of training, research, and experience in the Metaphysical, Psychological, and Spiritual fields to dive deep into your psyche to release unconscious blockages, resistances, and self-sabotaging beliefs and behaviors so you can fulfill the life of your dreams. Vincent offers his spiritual, metaphysical, and psychological insights in his first book, The Secret That’s Holding You Back released by G&D Media this June, 2022.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
Growing Elecampane Dental surgery Gout in hand & foot Diarrhea

Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Tuesday Aug 02, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Artist Kim Kitchen
Kim Kitchen is a multidisciplinary artist working in audio and film as a result of a debilitating and transformative illness. She explores collective cultural understandings of the female body, its intersections with and presence within the natural world. This is evident through the inclusion of ritual in her work - particularly in To Re-convene // To Shoreline - which draws on her lifelong connection to the Primordial Mother, and to knowledge of her ancestral homelands of old Europe. This ongoing research and consciousness has deeply influenced her artistic practice, which has been largely tactile, focused on painting, sculpture, installation and performance.
Currently, Kim engages her practice of critical inquiry of body/land relations and the self-reflexive relationship between ability and artistic production through largely multimedia approaches. With significant changes in mobility, old spaces become unknown insofar as the
body must learn anew how to navigate through them. The familiar becomes unfamiliar: the body is tasked with relearning how to exist, reaching out in changed, renewed and ever-urgent ways through creativity.
Kim's community activism is inclusive, celebratory, and exuberant. In contrast, her work is introspective, thoughtful, and prompts quiet reflection. Now more than ever, interdependence is fundamental for this disabled artist.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
Remedies for mosquitos Goat's pipe Thyroid Nourishing infusions

Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Tuesday Jul 26, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Life-Coach Margaret Nash.
Margaret Nash is a Life-Coach, life-long seeker, hippie-at-heart and author of 7 books, living and working in San Miguel de Allende in the highlands of Mexico. She is also a trained hypnotherapist. Margaret certified in the 1990s as a Master Practitioner and Trainer in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), Hypnotherapy, and Time-line Therapy, and has been honing her craft on unsuspecting folk for nearly 20 years in England and Mexico. She coaches online and in person in San Miguel, helping people deal with surviving transitions, aging well, and finding their groove in life in their 50s, 60s, and beyond. Her background is in business training; she uses a practical, results oriented approach, combined with an esoteric flavor, in her training and coaching.
You can find her website and blog at www.margaretnashcoach.com.

Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Tuesday Jul 19, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Composer Natalie Brown.
Composer, educator, sound healer and multi-instrumentalist, Natalie Brown, has traveled the world performing, recording and teaching music. She was trained classically, starting violin at age 4 and has taught high school orchestra for 14 years. She is the founder and operator of Sounds Heal Studio, providing one-on-one and group sound healing sessions and workshops as well as practitioner training through the International Sound Healing Academy. Natalie is the lead teacher for the Americas for the Academy.
She completed Nada Yoga teacher training in Rishikesh, India. She also has training and certifications in Reiki, Craniosacral Therapy, Qigong and Acupressure. Natalie's podcast, Sounds Heal Podcast, explores using sound for health and wellness with interviews of top innovators & practitioners in the field. It has been recognized as the #2 music therapy/ sound therapy podcasts on the web. Natalie's goal is to share the benefits of sound healing and help others use sound for self-care, personal growth and to heal.

Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Tuesday Jul 12, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Astrid Grove and Leela Parker
It was an instantly deep and profound sisterhood between Astrid and Leela over 20 years ago. They first met in the herb garden and they were instantly connected through their love of plants and their commitment to ceremony. They have sat in sacred circle countless times, attended each other's births, and were initiated into their true path as daughters of the earth by the same mentor, Susun Weed. In the same spirit of calling the circle of women, Astrid and Leela are birthing this apprenticeship opportunity for a year-long deep dive into the skills of living in sisterhood as daughters of the earth. To learn more about The Wise Woman Sisterhood:
To learn more about Leela, go to www.leelaparker.com
To learn more about Astrid, go to www.astridgrove.com and www.redearthherbalgathering.com

Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Tuesday Jul 05, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with author Susan Campbell
Susan is a best-selling author of 11 books on relationships and is the creator and publisher of three entertaining and educational card games for teens, adults, couples, work teams, and singles. Her games promote more authentic relating among players. Susan's work with couples has been featured on national television, including CNN's News Night, Good Morning America, and The Dr. Dean Edel Show, and she has been published widely in popular magazines, such as Self, New Woman, and Cosmopolitan. In 2003-2004, she was the couple therapist on the reality TV show, Truth in Love, which aired on UPN, an ABC affiliate network.
Q & A topics include:
* Susun shares a personal experience with painful ending of a friendship then reads more of the story of Goldilocks
dealing with moldhistamine reactionsherbs to help relieve a stuffy nnosemacular degenerationharvesting hypericum flowersraw food

Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Tuesday Jun 28, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview Laughter yoga instructor Carla H Brown.
A gifted Laughter Professional, Carla H Brown has been passionately sharing her playful and effervescent style of laughter and joy since 2009. She has been supporting students, clients and audiences worldwide to release stress and embrace health and aliveness through laughter yoga. From her 30 year background in natural health, women's empowerment, movement, and the healing arts, Carla uses the transformative power of Laughter Yoga to integrate mind, body and spirit, bringing instant stress relief and reclaiming creativity while playing with "problems" and having fun! Her motivation comes from the desire to teach people to live from a habituated place of joy in the body instead of the habit of fear that comes with our worry and rush culture.
Q&A topics in this episode include:
twitching and numbness in foot and toesechinacea to treat severly sore throatpreparing for knee replacement surgerygut healthshinglesabundance of milk from sheep & goats

Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Tuesday Jun 21, 2022
Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Shamanic Guide Meg Beeler.
Meg Beeler is a Shamanic Guide, Mentor, and Author. Drawing on her lifelong passion for soul healing, heart opening, and reweaving the connections between all beings, she helps clients heal energy, soul, and spirit. Meg is author of Weave the Heart of the Universe into Your Life: Aligning with Cosmic Energy. She is founder of Earth Caretakers Wisdom School, creator of Energy Alchemy™ and a channel for compassionate ancient wisdom. Meg is a lifelong explorer of shamanic, animist, and meditative consciousness who practices Earth-centered, nature-based, Andean mysticism. She brings a lifetime of teaching and experience in land-based community ceremony to her work. She was a Silicon Valley consultant and author of many technical books. Meg is a master gardener and chairs the non-profit Sonoma Mountain Preservation Group in the North San Francisco Bay Area.
You can find her at www.megbeeler.com
Q&A topics in this episode include:
* Susun reads more of the story of Goldilocks
treating a breast infection with echinaceano blame/ no shame /no guiltherbs to support healthy blood pressure during pregnancyhow much of a good thing is too much?supporting healthy eyesight herbally as we age