New - Ask Herbal Health Expert Susun Weed

Herbal Medicine is People’s Medicine: simple, safe, effective. Bring your curiosity and health questions. Susun will enlighten, surprise, and delight you..

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Tuesday Sep 21, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by conversation with show moderator, Sarah Ellen.
Sarah Ellen is a student of Life. She cherishes being Alive. Knowing her choice to live in awareness and devour the experience and wholeness of being alive. Sarah Ellen is grateful to live at her home, Heartsong, in Barrington Hills, Illinois where she thrives with a BeautyFull man and partner Jay, their beloved dogs, cats, goats, chickens and all the Magics of Life whose heart's sing into the chorus of Heartsong. 
She intends each day to know and remember her inherent connection with the Earth and the languages of Life that blessedly surround her. Sarah has discovered that being with animals, especially singing with animals, is a path to Awareness, a bridge that extends and enriches her connection to Nature and the remembering of the Ways of being she had once forgotten.
Join Susun & Sarah as they discuss how Sarah's experience being with and caring for animals has been a path to open her awareness, extending and enriching her connection to life.  
Q & A topics include:
pelvic floor prolapselinden infusionseasonal fruitssatisfying a sweet tooth healthfullyroot canal vs tooth extractionred tideuterine fibroidsreishi mushroomsinflammatory facial swelling/ eye puffiness

Tuesday Sep 14, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Melissa Mutterspaugh.
Melissa Mutterspaugh is a Clinical Herbalist, Environmental Educator, Founder & Formulator at Mountain Mel's Essential Goods (an herbal products company), podcast host on The Herbalist's Path, and mother of a beautiful young girl and a few fur babies living in the foothills of Mount Hood, Oregon. 
She spent the early 2000's as a backpacking guide and wilderness therapist, which is where her passion for herbal medicine began. While people were paying her 100's of dollars to guide them to her most sacred spaces, she noticed that they were all carrying toxic nasty products in their first aid kits and backpacks, and it chapped her hide! Not only were they polluting their bodies, more importantly they were polluting our planet! So, she began devouring herbal books, and creating her own natural first aid kits. This planted the seed to her never ending desire to learn about herbalism. Fortunate to learn from some of the greatest herbal educators, her thirst for herbal knowledge is never quenched.
Today, Melissa's passionate about formulating stellar herbal products, teaching people to use plants as medicine in a safe and effective way, and inspiring people to take better care of the planet, by taking better care of themselves!
Q & a topics include:
allergiestapping into spiritual giftsyarrow as a dentifricemotherwort to relieve anxietyusing herbs & healing after mastectomyastragalus tincturecalendula oilmarshmallow root infusionpassionflower

Tuesday Sep 07, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Ann Crawford.
Ann is the author 10 books including the award-winning comedies FRESH OFF THE STARSHIP and ANGELS ON OVERTIME, women's fiction LIFE IN THE HOLLYWOOD LANE, mystical SPELLWEAVER (about a woman during the witch hunts in Scotland), the deep MARY'S MESSAGE (about Mary Magdalene), and reach-for-the-stars VISIONING. Ann's life-affirming books weave tales of love and intrigue that take readers on mystical journeys with characters who live radiant lives.
Ann is an award-winning documentary filmmaker, too. Her first movie was about a group of vets returning to Viet Nam to perform humanitarian work, give something back to the people, return to their Areas of Operation, and heal their wounds of war. Her second movie involved traveling around the world and interviewing people from all walks of life—heads of state, street kids, academics, artists....the folks of this world—on how they envisioned creating world peace.  
An avid traveler, she's been to 75 countries and all 50 states. She's lived, "Oh, all over," and right now she and her husband have a view of Colorado's Rocky Mountains out the window. She can be reached at all the usual places -- Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
Her website and blog are at
Q & A topics in this episode include:
urinary tract irritation/inflammationletting go of female sexual shamecellulitisschisandra berries: harvesting, preserving, eatingvaccination anxietyendometrial hyperplasia

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest, Carolyn Griffeth.
Carolyn is a Spiritual Mentor, Ritualist, Dream Worker, and Woman of Prayer. She holds her work as two blossoms united on one stem.  First, she serves as a spiritual mentor to activists and visionaries around the country.  Second, she is an intuitive ritualist and founder of Earthkeeper Wisdom School which explores the power of community and ceremony for social change and personal transformation. These offerings unite around her mystical journey of Earth-reverence and Divine surrender.  Carolyn’s work is also enriched by the following: she holds a master degree in pastoral arts, a certificate in spiritual direction, spiritual direction supervision, and in Shamanic Energy Medicine through the Four Winds, as well as training in emotional clearing techniques, conflict transformation, A Course in Miracles, and the Work that Reconnects. She also joyfully weaves within women's circles in which the Divine Feminine is revered and the priestess path remembered. Carolyn is dedicated to the work of eliminating racism and all forms of oppression, and to honoring the Earth and all living Beings; these commitments infuse all her offerings. 
Contact her for a free consultation or to explore resonant connections. at: or, for appointments:
Q & A topics include:
caller follow-up: high blood pressureschisandracaller follow-up: miscarriagecaller appreciation for Susun & Monica Jeanwild sarsparillacaller follow-up: yarrow tincture to treat acne/ St Joan's Wortkeeping indorr petsJason Winters tea ingredients

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with Danielle Ryan Broida.
Danielle Ryan Broida, RH (AHG) is a pivotal voice in the nutrition and functional mushroom and adaptogen space.
As a Registered Herbalist (RH) of the American Herbalists Guild (AHG), Certified Holistic Nutritionist, Instructor of Mycology, and National Educator of Four Sigmatic, Danielle is teaching the world about the importance of functional foods and herbal medicine for a vital life.
Prior to joining forces with Four Sigmatic, she received her BA in Environmental Studies and Philosophy from Whitman College. She went on to study Ayurveda in India and became a Certified Yoga Instructor on the banks of the Ganges River. But it was leading trekking adventures into the backcountry of Thailand where she became particularly fascinated by herbal medicine while becoming fluent in Thai). After several years in Asia, she landed in Boulder, Colorado to formalize her education in holistic medicine. Upon completing her graduate studies at the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism (CSCH), she opened her private practice where she worked with hundreds of clients specializing in functional mushroom-based treatment for individuals with autoimmune conditions. She was invited to become the Instructor of Mycology at CSCH, where she still teaches.
Danielle brings her passion and expertise in herbal medicine, clinical practice, teaching, formulation, and her deep love for fungi to everything she does.
Q & A topics in this episode include:
prolonged stomach pain/ healing damage from naproxen sodiumstinging nettle comfrey varietieskava, Piper methysticumticksstinky feet

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Jamie Della.
Jamie Della is an ordained Shamanic Priestess, storyteller, and author of nine books, including _The Book of Spells: The Magick of Witchcraft _ and_ __The Wicca Cookbook_. She has studied magick and spirituality from around the world for thirty years. Jamie writes the “Herbal Journeys” column for _Witches & Pagans_ magazine, Writing the Magick blog and Every Last Drop Series: Exposés on the LA Eastern Sierra water wars. She has also been published in _SageWoman_ magazine, _Rebelle Society_ , Spirituality and Health Magazine  and _Manifest-Station_ , among others.
Jamie mentors women writers via creative writing and expression through her Journey Into Her Writing Course that combines Goddess Wisdom with writing instruction. She offers an online Spellcrafting 101, a six-module course, on manifestation from the perspective of a Hearth Witch. She invites you into a wealth of information via Monday morning Cuppas on the Goddess app and  Witchy tips,before-anywhere-else announcements, magical musings and more for her Patreon members. Follow her on social media as jamiedellawrites.
Q & A topics in this edpisode include:
harvesting and using woodland nettleragweed pollen allergymaking herbal tallowsmother's pain following death of her soncornsdeep laceration on footcovid vaccinationsSusun's healing journey

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute discussion with show moderator and guest Sarah Ellen.
Sarah Ellen is a student of life. She cherishes the opportunity to live with awareness and experience the wholeness of being alive. Sarah Ellen lives at her home, Heartsong, in Barrington Hills, Illinois with her husband Jay, and their dogs, cats, goats and chickens. 
She intends each day to know and remember her inherent connection with the Earth and all the magic that surrounds her. Sarah has discovered that being with animals, especially singing with animals, and opening that awareness extends and enriches her connection to Nature and the remembering of the Ways of being she had once forgotten.
Join Susun and Sarah Ellen for a discussion about natural dog and cat care including nutrition and herbal remedies and herbal care.
Q & A topics include:
scratched corneablood in mouth/ gums - sinus congestionusing herbs simplyduct tape to get rid of wartshealing from hip injuryroot canal/ crown vs tooth extractionprotecting skin during radiation treatmentcovid vaccinationspurslanestaunching nosebleedsacneyarrowtooth-grinding

Tuesday Aug 03, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Dr. Laurie Dohmen.
Growing up, Dr. Dohmen always wanted to be a veterinarian. All her schooling was in pharmaceutical medicine, but she started feeling that there was something more. She began to use organic food and alternative medicine modalities for herself and her family.  Her family thrived on this more wholistic lifestyle, and she realized that if these things were better for her family, they would be better for her patients also.
Dr. Dohmen graduated from University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in 1997.  She has studied with Dr. Steve Marsden, Dr.Huisheng Xie, Registered Herbalist Rosemary Gladstar, and many others. She received her Masters of Therapeutic Herbalism from Maryland University of Integrative Health in 2014. She was accepted as a Registered Herbalist through the American Herbalist Guild in 2020.
In 2017 Dr. Dohmen and Dr. Kris August together started the only hands-on veterinary herbal medicine course for western veterinary practices in the USA. She is the Past President of the Veterinary Botanical Medical Association and is a member of the International Veterinary Acupuncture Society, American Academy of Veterinary Acupuncture, American Holistic VMA and AVMA. Dr. Dohmen owns Lowood Educational Center in the Outer Banks of North Carolina, which she uses as the home of Purple Moon Herbs and Studies’ trainings.
Visit her website at
Q & A topics include:
plantainshinglesallergies/ reactions to foodillness as a magickal intitationMRI w/ contrast dyesinducing sweatingmagickal connectionLammasdried yarrow/dried catnip to prepare insect repellantTHC/CBD safety guidelines for dogs

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Adhi Two Owls.
Dr. Adhi Two Owls is a practicing healer in the methodology of Shamanism. Her PhD is in Theraputic Counseling and Philosophy  for her research  into the positive effectiveness of traditional  healing methods on the mental physical  health. Adhi is also an artist and has been making  sacred  tools, instruments and other items to facilitate ceremony, healing and personal discovery. She has travel all over the United States,  Canada, and places beyond as a teacher and researcher to understand  the wealth of knowledge the earth offers us and to seek solutions to the challenges we faces as we evolve forward on the planet.
Q & A topics include:
making St. joan's Wort tincture and infused oilwood betonyherbal allies to support lung healththyroid health and supportchildren's coldslobelia to help quit smoking cigarettesconstipation / gas with bloatingyellow dock / rumex family

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021

Susun Weed answers 90 minutes of herbal health questions followed by a 30 minute interview with her guest Alicia Patterson.
Alicia Patterson, MA, LPC, R-DMT, LMT, CYT, is a Women's Pelvic Health Mentor. Alicia runs a thriving women's health practice in Colorado (and virtually) offering hands-on female pelvic health work (pelvic floor therapy, organ placement work, & endocrine / nervous system based bodywork) coupled with trauma informed care, emotional & spiritual permission, and psychologically sound ethical consent based touch work.  Alicia is most interested in what's beyond the world of pathology and bypass and approaches clients with a completely holistic lens and treatment plan. Alicia runs a women's group, works with clients 1:1, offers retreats and intensive work, plant medicine, and teaches a training for practitioners to enter this powerful field.
For more information, visit Alicia's website:
Q & A topics include:
miscarriagedealing with emotional & physical discomfortcaller follow-up: dizzinessgrieving end of relationshipganglion cyst8 month old child with benign brain tumorchronic fatigueanger

Susun S. Weed

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